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Apple recently released the 5th developer betas of iOS 12.2, watchOS 5.2, tvOS 12.2 and macOS 10.14.4. Public betas of the systems (with the exception of watchOS) should be released to testers within the day tomorrow.

Registered developers can download new betas via Settings on your device. However, you need to have the appropriate developer profile added. The systems can also be obtained from the official website, specifically at Apple Developer Center.

The new beta versions should bring several new features. Most likely, however, it will be minor news, as system testing is slowly coming to an end and a sharp version is expected to be released for all users at the end of March.

With the previous beta, Apple News on iOS, macOS and watchOS got a new icon. The shortcut for calling up the Remote application in the Control Center then boasted a controller icon (until now it had the inscription "tv"). And the element for the currently playing video got new icons for controlling the volume and calling up the controller.

Along with the first, second and third betas of iOS 12.2, four new Animoji came to iPhones and iPads, and Safari began to deny access to the phone's sensors by default. Support for TVs with AirPlay 2 has also arrived in the Home app, Apple News has expanded to Canada, and Screen Time has received the ability to set sleep mode individually for each day.

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