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Apple released today OS X 10.9.3 update and at the same time it updated some of its applications, namely iTunes, Podcasts and iTunes Connect. iTunes 11.2 brought several improvements to podcast search. Users can now find unwatched episodes under the tab Unplayed. They can also save episodes marked as favorites to their computer. Episodes can be automatically deleted after you play them, and if any episodes are available for download or streaming, they will appear in the tab Feed. Apart from that, the app also fixes several bugs, especially freezing when updating the Genius feature.

The Podcasts iOS application has also received similar improvements. A bookmark was also added to it Unplayed a Feed, as well as the ability to save favorite episodes offline or automatically delete them after playback. Another new feature is the ability to click on links in the episode description, after which they will be opened in Safari. The integration of Siri, which can be told to play all episodes or play a specific station, is very interesting. Podcasts now also support CarPlay, station playback can be started directly from the episode list, and podcast links can be shared via AirDrop.

Finally, there's the updated iTunes Connect app for developers, which has received a complete redesign in the style of iOS 7. It's also the first update in almost two years. In addition to the new look, music, movies and TV series that were released from the developer account can now be accessed. All updates can be found in the App Store and Mac App Store.
