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We live in the age of the Internet, when information spreads literally in seconds. It is on the Internet that we can find almost anything and it only takes a few clicks. For this reason, it is also common for upcoming products to be widely discussed, various leaks and speculations to spread. However, Apple somehow does not like this fact and comes up with an absurd solution, thanks to which it deserves the label of a bully.

Apple, on behalf of law firms, contacted one of the most accurate leakers, who appears on the Chinese social network Weibo under the nickname Kang. The office sent him (and presumably other leakers) a letter strongly disclaiming the sharing of information about as-yet-unveiled products, citing that such information could mislead customers and give an advantage to competitors. It all got to the point where Apple points to posts in which Kang confides in his iPhone issues, talks about new release dates, advises his followers on buying various products, gives suggestions, and more. Summa summarum - Apple is bothered by Kang's personal views presented on his own Weibo profile.

This is what it should look like iPhone 13 Pro:

Of course, Kang commented on the whole situation, saying that he never released any image of an unlaunched product, nor did he sell information. The whole thing is extremely absurd. At the same time, the leaker, according to his own words, only shares "puzzles and dreams" that he would like to see. After all, this is what the leaker is known for @ L0vetodream, which shares more information in a fun way, indirectly pointing to Apple's plans for the future. Anyway, Kang is upset because without sharing the photos in question, he is still playing the role of the victim. Subsequently, he even added that he will not write about his "dreams and riddles" in the future and will quite possibly delete some older posts. Personally, I find the whole situation incomprehensible. Although Kang is an extremely accurate leaker who revealed details about both the iPhone 12 and the HomePod mini, and also accurately guessed a lot of information about the iPhone SE (2020), Apple Watch SE, Apple Watch Series 6, iPad 8th generation and iPad 4th generation, so never posted the exact photo. It could simply be said that he shared mere opinions and speculations with his followers.

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