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Tim Cook is saddened by the current situation in the Amazon, where fires have destroyed a large part of the rainforest. Apple will therefore contribute money to the restoration from its own resources.

Huge fires have engulfed the Amazon rainforest. A record amount of vegetation has burned in the past few weeks. In Brazil this year, they recorded over 79 fires, and unfortunately more than half were in the rainforests.

Fires are common at this time of year. The soil and vegetation are dry, so they cannot resist the flames. However, in recent years the situation is much worse due to the lack of rainfall. In particular, the Amazon has been plagued by drought in recent months, resulting in over 10 reported fires in the past week alone. This is an 000% increase compared to last year.

However, the flames that engulfed the rainforests in the Amazon carry with them another great risk. Several million tons of carbon dioxide are released into the air every day. But that is only one of the difficulties.


People are often to blame for fires

Fires are often started by humans. The Amazon is plagued by illegal mining and the constant expansion of agricultural land. Every day, an area the size of a football field disappears. Satellite images have revealed that logging and deforestation have increased by 90% over last year and by 280% over the past month.

Tim Cook wants to donate funds for greater protection of the Amazon rainforest.

“It is devastating to see the flames raging in the Amazon rainforest, one of the most important ecosystems on the planet. Apple donates funds to maintain biodiversity and restore the indispensable forests of the Amazon and forests throughout Latin America."

The Apple CEO himself has already sent $5 million in stock to an undisclosed charity. However, the company itself will proceed in a different way when transferring funds.

Cook already donated money to another organization last year. His aim is slowly to dispose of all his wealth "systematic way". Apple's CEO wants to lead by example, probably like Bill Gates and his foundation do.

Source: 9to5Mac
