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After a short hiatus, Apple again realized itself on its YouTube channel (this time on the English version), when it uploaded four new spots in which it demonstrates the benefits of using the Apple Pencil on the new iPad. Support for the Apple Pencil is one of the most important innovations of this year's "cheap" iPad, and Apple is trying to present this combination as a wonderful tool not only for students.

The first in a series of new videos is called Notes, and as the name suggests, Apple demonstrates the capabilities of the Apple Pencil when using a notepad. Don't expect any comprehensive practical demonstrations and tutorials. In the spot, you can basically only see that the Apple Pencil works in notes and the possibility of its potential use.

The second video is subtitled Photos and is about – yes, that's right – photos. Here, Apple demonstrates how the Apple Pencil can be used for photo editing. A special tool allows drawing and other interventions in the photo taken. The panel of individual tools is quite simple and you will find similar elements here that you may recognize from, for example, editing screenshots.

The third video focuses on the keynote, that is, on preparing presentations using a native application from Apple. However, you won't get any more fundamental information from the video, as in the case of the last video named as Markup, which shows the interface for editing captured screenshots. All the new videos are rather illustrative in nature and are primarily intended for those who do not know what the new iPads can do and where the Apple Pencil can be used.

Source: YouTube
