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Last week, music app Rewound hit the App Store. The application was intended for all users who wanted to nostalgically reminisce about classic music players. People could customize the look of the app through a variety of themes and skins, including an iPod Classic look with a click wheel.

But Apple apparently did not share the enthusiasm of users who managed to download the Rewound application to their iPhones, and removed the application from the App Store. The creators of Rewound stated in an article for the website Medium, that the reason for removing the application was the mentioned copying of the design of the iPod. Additionally, the app charged a fee for Apple Music features and was apparently easily interchangeable with one of Apple's apps.

However, the authors of Rewound reject these accusations and claim that Apple was simply annoyed that people were sharing the skins of the click wheel. In the mentioned article for Medium, the developers of the application state that the mentioned way of controlling the menu is not the intellectual property of Apple, as well as the layout of the buttons without a wheel. Furthermore, the creators of the app defend themselves by saying that a similar menu system to that offered by Rewound can be found in other operating systems, and that the skins shared by users were not part of the app itself.

In addition, according to its creators, Rewound cannot be updated for re-approval without breaking the functionality of the existing version of the application, which has already been downloaded by 170 users. Another separate version of the app is currently being developed, but its developers think it's probably not worth trying to send it to Apple for approval. But they plan to create a web-based Rewound app that could be a welcome alternative for users, and one that won't require Apple's approval. The creators of the application are currently raising $50 for this project.


Source: MacRumors, photo source: Medium, The Verge
