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The developer James Thomson, who is behind the popular calculator for iOS called PCalc, announced on Twitter that Apple is forcing him to remove the widget from the application, which allows you to perform calculations directly in the Notification Center of iOS 8. According to Apple's rules, widgets are not allowed to perform calculations.

Apple has for the use of widgets, which in iOS 8 can be placed in a section Today Notification center, fairly strict rules. These are of course available to developers in the relevant documentation. Among other things, Apple prohibits the use of any widget that performs multi-step operations. "If you want to create an app extension that allows a multi-step operation, or any lengthy operation like downloading and uploading files, Notification Center is not the right choice." However, Apple's rules do not directly mention the calculator and calculations.

In any case, the situation is quite strange and unexpected. Apple itself promotes the PCalc application in the App Store, namely in the Best Apps for iOS 8 – Notification Center Widgets category. The sudden turnaround and the need to remove the core function of this application is therefore surprising and must have surprised its creator (and its users) quite unpleasantly, as his other comments on Twitter indicate.

PCalc is not the first and certainly not the last "victim" of Apple's restrictions related to the Notification Center and widgets. In the past, Apple already removed the Launcher application from the App Store, which made it possible to create various quick operations using URLs and then display them in the form of icons in the Notification Center. Launcher thus made it possible to write an SMS message, start a call with a specific contact, write a tweet and so on directly from the locked iPhone.

PCalc has not yet been pulled from the App Store, but its creator has been asked to remove the widget from the app.

Source: 9to5Mac