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This year's 49th CA/Browser Forum conference in Bratislava brought one interesting announcement. Apple here she revealed ambitious plans to strengthen the security of its Safari browser, which is related to the support of HTTPS certificates. This standard ensures encrypted communication between the user and the website and also protects against man-in-the-middle attacks.

Apple announced at the conference that starting September 1/2020 will be Safari only supports websites that have an HTTPS certificate that is less than 13 months or 398 days old. The company wants to ensure that server operators regularly increase the security of connections to their sites. However, bloggers or website owners who use web hosts do not have to worry about anything: the updating of certificates is usually carried out by the service providers themselves, such as, so users of these services will mostly not need to intervene in any way.

How to activate the display of pop-ups in Safari

If the certificates are not updated by September 1st, Safari will display a message that visiting the website may endanger the user instead of loading the website, similarly aso you can know that from Chrome, for example. Attractions of course is that and GitHub are among the sites that need to be updated. Both sites now have an older certificate, for now, however, he is in Safaryou can load it without any problems. The browser is currently supports certificates with validity up to 825 days and was once supported i websites with a certificate up to 5 years old.
