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Mac owners are threatened by the new CookieMiner malware, whose main goal is to steal users' cryptocurrencies using sophisticated technology. The malware was discovered by security personnel from Palo Alto Networks. Among other things, CookieMiner's insidiousness lies in its ability to bypass two-factor authentication.

According to the magazine The Next Web CookieMiner attempts to retrieve passwords stored in the Chrome browser, along with authentication cookies - especially those related to credentials for cryptocurrency wallets such as Coinbase, Binance, Poloniex, Bittrex, Bitstamp or MyEtherWallet.

It is precisely cookies that become the gateway for hackers to two-factor authentication, which is otherwise almost impossible to bypass. According to Jen Miller-Osborn of the 42nd unit of Palo Alto Networks, CookieMiner's uniqueness and certain primacy lies in its exclusive focus on cryptocurrencies.

CookieMiner has one more dirty trick up its sleeve – even if it fails to get hold of the victim's cryptocurrencies, it will install software on the victim's Mac that will continue mining without the owner's knowledge. In this context, the people at Unit 42 recommend that users disable the browser from storing all financial data and carefully wipe the Chrome cache.

malware mac