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Apple continues its plan to transform the music streaming service Beats Music, which it acquired in the framework last year's giant acquisitions, and has now been bought by British startup Semetric. The latter has an analytical tool Musicmetric, which monitors what users listen to, watch and buy.

It is thanks to Musicmetric that Apple could improve Beats Music, especially in terms of recommending songs directly tailored to each listener.

"Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time and generally doesn't discuss its intentions or plans," confirmed the California company announced the acquisition with a traditional announcement for The Guardian. The amount for which Apple acquired Semetric was not disclosed.

Apple CEO Tim Cook has previously praised Beats Music for its success and accuracy in presenting music to listeners according to their moods and preferences, but he and his colleagues obviously want to push this streaming service even further.

Compared to competition in the form of Spotify or Rdia, Beats Music is at a disadvantage in that it only operates on the American market, but even that could change this year. It is not yet entirely clear how Apple plans to deal with Beats Music, but it was with the growth in popularity of various streaming services that iTunes revenues first began to decline last year, and so Apple must also jump on the streaming wave.

Additionally, Semetric doesn't just deal with music, but uses its analytics tools to track movies, TV, e-books, and games and their viewers/listeners/players, so it can help Apple in virtually every area of ​​its digital content sales.

Source: The Guardian, The Verge