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If you want to see a piece of Apple history with your own eyes, now is the perfect opportunity. Czech Center in Prague it is currently home to several objects associated with Steve Jobs, Apple and its current chief designer Jony Ive.

These objects are part of a unique exhibition German design. Past - Present, which the Czech Center wants in cooperation with the Munich Center Die Neue Sammlung to approach the applied and industrial design of German authors. Among the exhibited objects we will also find Apple computers; the Californian company collaborated for some time with the German designer Hartmut Esslinger.

His Frogdesign studio was chosen directly by Steve Jobs, who wanted to distinguish Apple from the mainstream in the form of unsightly beige boxes. Therefore, starting with the Apple IIc, Cupertino started using a color called "Snow White". For example, the revision of the Macintosh computer with the suffix SE was also snow-white. Both of these devices are part of the exhibition.

They are also complemented by the NeXTcube professional workstation, on which Steve Jobs worked after he was forced to leave Apple. As he wanted his new project to be perfect in every way, he once again invited the designers of the Frogdesign studio. NeXT computers therefore offered, in addition to a number of technical innovations, also a progressive design.

In addition to Apple and NeXT devices, a number of other industrial design milestones can be seen in the Czech Center. There are Braun devices designed by the legendary Dieter Rams, electronics from the iconic Wega brand or perhaps one of the first Leica camera models. At the same time, all these products were a great source of inspiration for today's architect of Apple design - Jony Ivo.

[youtube id=ZNPvGv-HpBA width=620 height=349]

Exposure German design. Past - Present you can visit in Prague's Rytířské Street. Entry is free, but you have to hurry - the event only lasts until November 29.
