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According to information from the Mixpanel agency, the iOS 14 operating system is installed on almost 90,5% of active devices. This is a perfect number that Apple can be rightfully proud of. At the same time, today we learned about upcoming challenges for Apple Watch owners. During April, they will be able to get two badges on the occasion of two events.

iOS 14 is installed on 90% of devices

Apple has long been proud of a unique ability that the competition can (for now) only dream of. It is able to "deliver" the latest version of the operating system to the majority of active devices, which is confirmed year after year. Already during December 2020, Apple mentioned that 81% of iPhones that were introduced during the last four years (i.e. iPhone 7 and later). In addition, the analytical company Mixpanel has now come with new data, which comes with quite interesting news.

iOS 14

According to their information, 90,45% of iOS users are using the latest version, iOS 14, while only 5,07% still rely on iOS 13 and the remaining 4,48% are operating on even older versions. Of course, it is now necessary for these numbers to be confirmed by Apple itself, but practically we can consider them to be true. But one thing is clear – the more devices the latest version of the operating system looks at, the more secure the entire system is. Attackers often target security flaws in older versions that have not yet been fixed.

Apple has prepared new challenges for Apple Watch users with new badges

The Californian giant fairly regularly publishes new challenges for Apple Watch users that motivate them in certain activities and then reward them accordingly in the form of badges and stickers. We can currently look forward to two new challenges. The first one celebrates Earth Day on April 22 and your task will be to do any exercise for at least 30 minutes. You will have another opportunity a week later on the occasion of International Dance Day on April 29, when you will be able to dance for at least 20 minutes with the active Dance exercise in the Exercise application.

Especially nowadays, when due to the ongoing global pandemic, we are greatly limited and cannot do sports as much as we would have imagined, we should definitely not forget about regular exercise. At the same time, these challenges are the perfect tool to achieve certain goals. In the attached images you can see the badges and stickers you can get for completing the Earth Day challenge. Unfortunately, we have not yet received the graphics for International Dance Day.

Apple Watch badge