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If you've only used the original iPhone up until now and jumped from it to one of this year's models, one of your first concerns would probably be that you won't accidentally break the unusually thin phone. But the dramatic thinning of the device also takes its toll in the form of certain limitations, and the legendary Guy Kawasaki, a former Apple evangelist, has his own opinion about it.

Kawasaki let it be known that Apple made a mistake when it prioritized the slim design of its smartphones over better battery life. He claims that if the Cupertino company introduced a phone with twice the battery life, he would immediately buy it, even if the device was thicker. "You have to charge your phone at least twice a day, and God forbid if you forget to do it," he added, not forgoing a scathing comment about Tim Cook possibly having a doorman to charge his iPhone.

Guy Kawasaki:

Who cares about batteries?

You certainly know the name Guy Kawasaki in connection with the promotion of Apple in the late eighties and early nineties of the last century. He is still loyal to the Californian company today, but at the same time - similar to Steve Wozniak - he is not afraid to point out moments when, in his opinion, Apple is heading in a not-so-good direction. Kawasaki said that it is the battery that forces him to use the iPad as his primary device. At the same time, he points out that young people do not think of the iPad as a primary device. As an example, he cites his two sons in their twenties who have never used an iPad. According to him, millennials are more likely to use either a smartphone or a laptop. Kawasaki's assumption is also confirmed by recent research, according to which most of today's young people have never owned a tablet.

It is very difficult to estimate how the possible prioritization of battery life over the ultra-thin design of iPhones would affect Apple's success. This step has never been tried by Apple in the past. Would you prefer an iPhone with more thickness and better battery life?

iPhone XS camera FB

Source: AFR
