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We have converted many printed books, magazines and documents into electronic form. After all, it is more practical to have a tablet or a phone with you than to lug a suitcase of books with you when you travel. So why not have the app handy on your iPhone FIRST AID KIT?

This review is about the ability to always have a guide with you, or rather an application - First Aid. She will immediately advise you if you are at a loss and are in trouble. After all, you practically always have your phone with you, and if something unexpected happens to you while traveling, on vacation, or during your work day, all you have to do is keep calm and open an app that will help you in any unexpected event.

Let's start by getting them to open up to you first Help cards, which in several points will provide you with basic instructions on how to proceed when providing first aid, calling for professional help, basic extrication of the injured, or their treatment. The basic 8 cards will help you with quick and basic orientation. Here, the developers of the app have stuck to the motto "less is more" very well and I must say they have taken a good step. You can imagine several points under this section, similar to presentations. It is not important to have a lot of text, but rather less, only the most important.

Map Browse through allows the user to find specific information on the relevant issue, there are enough topics. However, I would like to mention a slightly smaller minus here. This is the white squiggle that surrounds the arrows known for expanding the theme. Somewhere the squiggle is shorter and therefore the entire arrow is not displayed correctly. Maybe it won't bother users, but it was a bit distracting for me while scrolling. In addition, the traditional gray slider is still displayed here, which is otherwise hidden. I think that if the developers wanted to have those arrows displayed here, all they had to do was paint them white. So they would stand out on a red background. However, I have to point out that here the texts are no longer as clear and simple as in Karet, which makes reading a little longer. I don't know if anyone will have the patience to read anything in a given crisis situation.

What is on the contrary one of the best, and I would say the most interesting part of the whole application is the part Emergency calls. Not everyone remembers "pond" or "handcuffs" from elementary school as passwords for remembering important numbers of the Fire and Rescue Service or the Police. Although the numbers are listed in Settings > Phone > Operator services, many will appreciate the possibility of dialing directly from the application. The part is also very helpful Location, which not only determines your exact location to exact GPS latitude and longitude, but also offers the option to send this information directly via SMS. Your GPS location is copied to your SMS and you can send it wherever you need.

Let's stop at the card About aplication. There is a nice description of what the application is for, what each card does, and what it is needed or used for. However, I think that some people might have problems with the small font, because it cannot be enlarged. I can quite vividly imagine that a person with impaired vision will be involved in an accident. That puts on glasses to read similar text? The problem may not only be vision, but also poor lighting conditions. Developers should work on this part of the application.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that the application has potential, there are not many similar ones (especially not in the Czech Republic) and it can certainly help many "security guards" during training, or ordinary people who would like to refresh their memory. But it could certainly serve better in the future, minor design modifications would not hurt. On the other hand, nice and simple pictures, quickly dialing the necessary numbers or sharing the location and sending it via SMS message deserve an award.

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