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Ancient Frog is a very cool, uniquely conceived puzzle game that you will definitely not get bored with. This title will surely please not only fans of puzzle games.

The principle of the game is simple - move the frog from point A to point B so that it can eat a bug - that is the goal of each level. Control is just as easy – the frog sits on a sheet on which there are systematically marked places where you can move any of the frog's limbs. You do this by simply grabbing it, moving it to the selected mark and letting go.

The game is enriched with a pleasant background - sounds of the jungle and is very nicely animated. For each level, you also have a recommended number of moves that you should use to complete the level successfully. However, you are not limited by any maximum limit on the number of moves, you are not even limited by time.

But I'm not entirely sure if the price of the full version is reasonable. But it is also available on the AppStore free version to try, or a lightweight paid version - cheap Junior version for just $0.99.

Appstore link – (Ancient Frog, $4.99)
[xrr rating=4/5 label=”Antabelus rating:”]

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