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Apple announced a special promotion for discounted battery replacement at the end of last year. This happened in response to the collapse of the case concerning the software slowdown of iPhones, which occurred when a specific limit of battery wear was exceeded. Since January, owners of older iPhones (iPhone 6, 6s, 7 and identical Plus models) have the opportunity to use a discounted post-warranty battery replacement, which will cost them 29 dollars/euro, compared to the original 79 dollars/euro. Already in January, the first information appeared that you iPhone 6 Plus owners will have to wait for a replacement, as the batteries are low for this particular model. It is becoming clear that others have to wait as well.

Barclays summarized the course of this event with new findings yesterday. According to her analysis, it became clear that waiting for a replacement does not only apply to iPhone 6 Plus owners, but also to those who own other models to which the action applies. Originally, the two- to four-week waiting periods were expected to be shortened. However, as it turns out, the opposite is true so far.

Currently, the processing time ranges from three to five weeks, with some owners having to wait more than two months. The biggest problem is with the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. There are simply no batteries for these models and it is very difficult to meet the huge demand. The situation is not helped by the fact that a huge number of owners participate in this event. Original predictions expected 50 million customers to take advantage of the promotion (out of 500 million phones covered by the discounted exchange). By all accounts, the interest so far corresponds to this.

Analysts also predict that if the situation does not improve and users wait as long (or even longer) for a replacement, the action will be reflected in the sales of the new iPhones that arrive in September. In this case, the sales of the planned "cheaper" versions of the new iPhones could be affected. What is your experience with the exchange? Did you take advantage of the discounted battery replacement option, or are you still procrastinating on this step? The event will run until the end of the year, and the upcoming version of iOS 11.3 includes an indicator that will show you the state of the battery in your iPhone.

Source: 9to5mac
