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If you own AirPods or AirPods Pro, then you have definitely noticed the LED on the charging cases of these headphones. This diode can display several colors during use, which vary according to the status of the charging case or the AirPods themselves. If you want to find out what can be read from an LED to expand your knowledge of Apple products, then be sure to read this article to the very end.

Where is the LED located?

The LED diode for AirPods is located on the charging case, you would look for it in vain on the headphones themselves. The location of the LED varies depending on which AirPods you own:

  • AirPods 1st generation: You can find the LED after opening the lid, in the middle between the headphones
  • AirPods 2st generation: You can find the LED in the upper part of the front of the headphones
  • AirPods Pro: You can find the LED in the upper part of the front of the headphones

What do the LED colors mean?

Now you know where to look for the LED diode on your AirPods. Now let's take a look together at what the displayed colors mean. I can state right at the beginning that the colors change depending on whether the AirPods are inserted or taken out of the case, or depending on whether you are currently charging the AirPods case. So let's get straight to the point:

AirPods are inserted into the case

  • Green color: if you put the AirPods in the case and the LED starts to light up green, it means that the AirPods and their case are 100% charged.
  • Orange color: if you put the AirPods in the case and the LED quickly changed from green to orange, it means that the AirPods are not charged and the case has started charging them.

AirPods are not in a case

  • Green color: if the AirPods are not in the case and the green color lights up, it means that the case is fully charged and does not need to be recharged.
  • Orange color: if the AirPods are not in the case and the orange light turns on, it means that the case is not fully charged.

AirPods case is connected to power (it doesn't matter where the headphones are)

  • Green color: if the green color is displayed after connecting the case to the power supply, it means that the case is fully charged.
  • Orange colors: if the orange color is displayed after connecting the case to the power supply, it means that the case is charging.

Other states (flashing)

  • Flashing orange: if the orange color starts to flash, it means that there are problems with pairing. In this case, you need to reset the AirPods by pressing and holding the pairing button on the back of the AirPods case.
  • Flashing white color: if the white color starts to flash, it means that you have pressed the button on the back of the case and that the AirPods have entered pairing mode and are waiting to connect with a new Bluetooth device.