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Domain registration couldn't be easier and more convenient. Czech developers from Zentity took care of it, who created this useful application for Active 24. Zentity has been active in our market for a long time, and they started developing applications for iPhone in 2008. Now you can register any free domain from your iPhone.

After starting the application, you enter in the box on the card Search the desired domain you want to register.

Select a national, European, or global extension and the application will search for domains and a list will be displayed. A green basket means that the domain is free and you can add it to the basket. An occupied domain is marked in red. In the basket, you can edit some information, for example the length of domain registration, delete domains you are not interested in, etc.

The next step is to register your account. If you already have it, just log in. You can set to remember your login details for the next purchase. On card Price list you will find a complete overview of all prices for individual domains. Prices vary according to the length of their registration, but mainly according to the ending.

The application is either in Czech, Slovak or English, depending on which iOS language you have set.

This application is an excellent addition to Active 24's portfolio of services. In one of the next versions, I can imagine an extension in the form of web hosting registration and other services.

Active 24 - free