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One of the biggest advantages of the Apple Arcade game service in conjunction with the new operating system iOS 13, iPadOS and tvOS is the support of game controllers for Xbox and PlayStation consoles on iPhones and iPads. As a result, many titles in Apple Arcade also received controller support, but not all of them are compatible with game controllers. Which games from Apple's new game service can you enjoy with a game controller?

The get out kids

You've probably already noticed that Apple's game service focuses mainly on harmless, undemanding content, which it targets younger or less demanding users. But this does not have to radically reduce the game experience. An example can be the title The Get Out Kids, which takes place in the eighties of the last century. A little girl goes on an adventure in search of her beloved dog.

The Get Out Kids iPad iPadOS game screenshot

Agent intercept

Agent Intercept is a fun racing game where you become a secret agent. Your equipment consists of a number of different spy gadgets and your goal is clear – to successfully fight your way through the not-so-everyday. You can, of course, play Agent Intercept purely on the screen of your iOS device, but it gets the right flavor only in combination with a game controller.


The name of the game may sound a little scary, but its content is undoubtedly suitable for all ages. The game is described as a "mutant soap opera", in which fifteen-year-old Kari finds herself in the main role. She goes on a mission to take care of her grandfather. On her adventure, Kari discovers the secrets of the strange, enchanting world of Mutazone.

Mutazione screenshot of the iPad iPadOS game

Stranded Sails

Various simulators are also very popular not only within the Apple Arcade service. One of them is also the title Stranded Sails, in which you become the descendant of a shipwrecked captain who must take care of others, create the necessary resources and finally try to successfully build a ship that will transport the castaways back to safety.

King's League 2

The game King's League 2 will appeal mainly to devoted lovers of the RPG genre, but it is really suitable for everyone. It offers even more options for building strategy, even more tactical battles and even more options for building and assembling your own team. The game is suitable for older children.

King's League 2 iPhone game screenshot


Spaceland is a fun turn-based game where you'll have to focus like hell to make the best possible decision. In the game, you become the commander of a space crew, which you must equip with the best and most powerful arsenal and go on a journey of adventure and victory.

Spaceland iPad game screenshot


Explottens will delight cat lovers as well as fans of retro shooters. In the game, you become a cat-armed pilot who must defend other cats from attackers. The game has no shortage of levels of varying difficulty, seemingly invincible bosses, but also fun and action.

Explottens screenshot of the iPad game

Dodo peak

Over time, there will be no shortage of good old platformers on Apple Arcade either. There are only a few of them at the moment, but they are slowly increasing. One of them is Dodo Peak, reminiscent of the Donkey Kong classic. In the game, you overcome all kinds of obstacles and pitfalls on your way, collect important items and head for the goal.

Dodo Peak iPad game screenshot
