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Facebook includes not only its Messenger communication platform, but also WhatsApp. If these services then suffer an outage, you simply lose the possibility of communication. The fact that you don't view posts on Facebook and Instagram probably hurts the least. So try to reach for some alternative communication service, of which there are actually a lot of them.


It is Telegram that is currently among the most popular communication platforms, where it is even ahead of Facebook in the ranking of the best free applications in the App Store. It already has a wide user base, which is a very important factor. The developers themselves say about their title that it is the fastest way to communicate. It offers full synchronization, where you can write a message on one device and finish it on another, or you are not limited by the size and type of attached files. All of course with maximum security.

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The app provides end-to-end encryption for secure communication, even during video calls. You don't have to worry about it, it's just fully integrated into the title. The platform itself is then optimized to work even on a very slow connection, so you can communicate with it practically anywhere. In addition, you can set any notification for each contact that can be imported from the address book. Thanks to this, you know immediately after the first tone who wants to communicate with you.

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Threema is the only paid title from the selection, it will cost you CZK 99. The fact that these are well-invested funds is evidenced by the third place in the ranking of the best paid applications in the App Store. It protects your data against hackers, corporations and government agencies. That way, no one can actually access your communication. You can also use it completely anonymously. Everything that happens here happens purely on your device, so that, for example, membership in groups and contacts are managed only on it.

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This Czech messaging and VoIP calling platform offers fully encrypted end-to-end communication. It strives to simplify the encrypted transfer of your sensitive communications, documents and information, whether it's contracts, plans, scans or images - both business and personal, while ensuring complete privacy and all your data protection. Thanks to the clean and clear interface, you don't have to wade through any offers and everything is immediately at hand. No unnecessary features.

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Thanks to comprehensive encryption, everything you write or share on Viber remains private. Sent messages are delivered to the recipient's device in the form of an encrypted code, and only the recipient's device can decipher this code and convert it into text using the appropriate key. These exist only on the user's device and nowhere else. You can send not only text, but also files such as photos and videos, or stickers or GIFs.

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It is a Google platform that does not stand out from the others in any way, but its advantage lies precisely in the integration of the company's services. It provides text and voice communication, which can be participated by up to 150 users (in the case of video, there is a limit of 10 participants). An interesting feature is, for example, the sharing of the current location thanks to the integration of maps.

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Wire is available on any device and operating system, so your team can communicate whether you're in the office or on the go. Its advantage is in invitations for users who can participate in conversations here only as guests, or in the integration of company applications and services. It goes without saying that there is maximum security, which is helped, for example, by locking the title with biometric data.

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The LINE platform is available worldwide and is constantly expanding with new services and features that make your communication more convenient and, in this case, more fun. It offers voice and video calls, text chat with a truly exhaustive amount of stickers to help you express your emotions exactly. It informs about the contact's birthday and offers, for example, a Timeline axis on which you can share content similar to social networks. It's not for corporate, but definitely for chatting with friends and family.

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