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Not so long ago, government measures "trapped" us between county boundaries. This is certainly not an enviable situation, but it does not mean that you should sit at home. In today's article, we will look at 7 applications that will keep you busy even inside the district.


The Randonautica application gained great popularity especially at the turn of last year and this year. With its help, you can explore your surroundings - based on the criteria you enter, the application will generate a seemingly random point at which, in theory, you should find something related to your intention. The advantage of this application is that you can enter a very small radius, and even then you have a chance to get to a place that will be interesting in some way.

You can download the Randonautica app for free here.

Minecraft Earth

Minecraft Earth is a fun game that brings all the great elements of good old Minecraft into augmented reality – and into your immediate surroundings too. Similar to the classic Minecraft, here you will also find raw materials and build everything possible, but this time there will be more interesting tasks and the possibility of much more intense interaction.

Download Minecraft Earth for free here.

Pokemon GO

Think Pokemon Go is long past its prime? But why not use the current situation to brush up on this game again and go Pokemon hunting in your immediate area? A lot of interesting discoveries, adventures, tasks and challenges await you. And if you've never hunted for Pokemon before, now might be the time - at least you won't be suspected of riding the trend.

You can download the Pokemon Go app for free here. 

plant snap

The PlantSnap app helps you identify virtually anything growing around you. In addition to the plant atlas function, PlantSnap also offers the ability to share photos of your discoveries, useful tips, information and advice, the ability to connect with a community of other users or the ability to identify in augmented reality.

You can download PlantSnap for free here.

Zombies, Run!

Zombies, Run will be your personal trainer and an adventure game at the same time. It combines running training with a fun game in which you hunt zombies, hide from them, and at the same time complete various interesting tasks - all safely within the boundaries of your district. You will have fun, and as a bonus you will significantly improve your physique.

Zombies, Run! download for free here.

Search by iNaturalist

The Seek by iNaturalist app uses image recognition technology to identify almost anything you might encounter in nature, from plants and trees to animals and birds. The more you spot on your nature walks, the more badges you earn in the app – just point your iPhone's camera at any object that catches your eye in nature.

You can download the Seek by iNaturalist app for free here.


If you're bored, but at the same time don't want to go out for whatever reason, you can rely on good old Netflix. Endless hours of fun, excitement, tension, fear, or perhaps gaining new knowledge await you with a variety of films and series of all possible genres. And if you spend long enough time with Netflix, you might not even notice that it's loosened up.

You can download the Netflix app for free here.
