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In this regular column, we will bring you tips on interesting applications and games every weekday. We select those that are temporarily free or with a discount. However, the duration of the discount is not determined in advance, so you need to check directly in the App Store before downloading whether the application or game is still free or for a lower amount. You can access the application by clicking on its name.

Apps and games on iOS

Potion Explosion

In Potion Explosion, you become a potions master who researches individual reactions and mixes the best potions. You will need to be extremely careful with certain ingredients that can have devastating effects when mixed. You can also play solo or online with your friends.

Original price: 99 CZK (49 CZK)


Cryptomator gives you an extra level of security by encrypting your files. This tool encrypts your files, which are then sent to the cloud for backup. These secure backups are then stored in a so-called safe, which can be accessed using a lock or biometric authentication.

Original price: 229 CZK (129 CZK)


If you're looking for a simple app that will make your photo editing work a lot easier, you should definitely check out PICSPLAY Classic. This tool offers a lot of preset filters, but you can also use it to play with individual attributes of the photo itself.

Original price: 249 CZK (129 CZK)

Apps and games on macOS

Disk Analyzer Pro

Is your Mac hard drive running low on free space and you're at a loss? In such a case, a third-party application, which might be Disk Analyzer Pro, is offered as a suitable solution. This application will completely scan your disk and help you locate and remove redundant files.

Original price: 249 CZK (129 CZK)

Paste - Clipboard Manager

By downloading Paste - Clipboard Manager, you get the perfect tool to make your clipboard easier to work with. If you often copy text or images, you can quickly lose track of the current contents of the clipboard. However, this app keeps a complete history of your recordings and allows you to go back to them.

Original price: 379 CZK (Free)


Frantic is a classic arena game. During the gameplay itself, unstoppable hordes of enemies are coming at you, with which you have to deal with and collect the best possible weapons. Once in a while, so-called epic monsters will also jump out at you, which are significantly harder to defeat.

Original price: 49 CZK (Free)
