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Google's is definitely one of the most used email clients, and that's not surprising. In addition to basic functions such as receiving and sending e-mails, it offers several extremely useful ones that you would find in other similar applications in vain. If Gmail is one of your favorite clients, this article is for you.

Setting up automatic replies

Holidays and vacations are in full swing and it's time to go out into nature. But in some places, the internet connection may not be ideal and this can be an inconvenience for your colleagues who want to contact you and find it strange that you do not respond to their messages. But in the Gmail application, you can set up automatic replies, thanks to which you inform the sender when you will be able to respond. To turn on these responses, click on the top left offer, open Settings, choose required account and tap on Answer in absentia. A switch with the same name activate set up beginning a the end the interval in which the response will be sent, and write the text of the message. To prevent email from being sent to conferences or advertising and newsletter accounts, turn on switch Send only to my contacts. When you are done with the settings, click the button to finish everything Impose.

Sending encrypted messages

Sometimes you may not want the recipient to download, print or otherwise save the message you are sending, and you also need it to not reach anyone else, and it would be a good idea to password protect it. This is not difficult in Gmail. Just click on the message Further action a activate switch Confidential mode. After switching on, you can set the expiration date, when you have a choice of options 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months a 5 years. At the icon Require password select from the options Standard, when after the recipient clicks on the link in the message, the password arrives in their inbox, or Password in SMS message, when, after entering the phone number, the other person receives the password in a message. After you send the email, you can click on menu icon and opening sent mail users Remove access. This will cancel the interval you set when sending the message.

Changing the sending of notifications

By default, Gmail only sends you notifications for primary messages. To change this behavior, just select menu icon, from that to move to Settings and choose the account for which you want to change notifications. Get off something below and click the section Notification, where you can choose if you want to receive notifications for all new emails, primary only, high priority only or none.

Setting the swipe action

The advantage of Gmail and in general applications from Google is a fairly extensive customizability, where, for example, you can set what happens after swiping on a message. Click on menu icon, open Settings and in the section Swipe action change what happens when you swipe left and right with a choice of options Archive, Move to trash, Mark as read/unread, Snooze, Move to a None.

Simple note forwarding

If you have turned on the synchronization of Gmail notes with those from Apple in the account settings and you write in a folder from Google, you can simply forward any note. In the top left, click on offer, go down to the section Notes and after opening the necessary note, click on Resend. The note will then appear in the text of the message.
