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Productivity is a topic that is often thrown around these days, and it's no wonder. Because staying productive these days is more difficult than ever before. Everywhere we look, something can disturb us - and most often it is your iPhone or Mac. But being productive also means doing things in the easiest possible way, so together in this article we're going to look at 5 Mac tips and tricks that will make you even more productive.

Here are 5 more tips and tricks to improve productivity on your Mac

Search and replace in file names

For mass renaming of files, you can use a smart utility that is available directly within macOS. However, many users have not noticed at all that this utility can also search for a part of the name and then replace it with something else, which can come in handy. It's nothing complicated - it's just classic mark files to rename, then tap one of them right click (two fingers) and select an option Rename… In the new window, click on the first drop-down menu and choose Replace text. Then it's enough fill in both fields and press to confirm the action Rename.

Extended menu in System Settings

As you probably know, we have seen one major change in macOS Ventura, in the form of a complete overhaul of System Preferences, which is now called System Settings. In this case, Apple tried to unify the system settings in macOS with other operating systems. Unfortunately, this created an environment that users simply cannot get used to and would give anything to be able to use the old system preferences again. It is clear that we will never have this possibility again, in any case, I have at least one small relief for you. You can view an extended menu with several options, thanks to which you do not have to wade through the meaningless corners of the system settings. You just need to go to  → System settings, and then tap on in the top bar Display.

The last application in the Dock

The Dock contains applications and folders that we need to have quick access to. In any case, users can also insert a special section into it where recently launched applications can appear, so you can also have quick access to them. If you would like to see this section, go to  → System Settings → Desktop and Dock, where then with a switch activate function Show recent apps in the Dock. In right part of the Dock, after the divider, will then be show recently launched applications.

Text clips

You may have found yourself in a situation where you needed to quickly save some text, for example from a web page. You most likely opened Notes, for example, where you inserted the text into a new note. But what if I told you that even this can be done more simply, using so-called text clips? These are small files that contain only the text you choose and you can open them again at any time. To save a new text clip, first highlight the desired text, then it grab with the cursor a drag to desktop or anywhere else in the Finder. This will save the text clip and you can later open it again at any time.

Pause file copying

When copying a large volume, a large disk load occurs. Sometimes, however, during this action you need to use the disk for something else, but of course canceling the copying of files is not an option, as it would then have to proceed from the beginning - so even this no longer applies today. In macOS, it is possible to pause any file copying and then restart it. If you would like to pause file copying, move to progress information windows, and then tap the X icon in the right part. The copied file will then appear with more transparent iconsmall spinning arrow in the title. To start copying again, just click on the file right-clicked and selected an option in the menu Continue copying.

