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One of the huge advantages of Apple computers is that you will be able to work very well with them from the first start without having to do any additional setup and customization. Even so, in today's article we will introduce you to five tips and tricks that will definitely come in handy when working with a Mac. The tips are intended for less experienced users.

Screenshot options

The vast majority of Mac owners know the shortcut Cmd+Shift+3 to take a screenshot of the entire screen. But this is far from the only way. If you use the shortcut Cmd+Shift+4, you can take a screenshot of your selected area. After pressing the hotkey Cmd+Shift+5 you'll see more options at the bottom of your Mac screen, including a screenshot with a timer.

Add signatures to documents

The macOS operating system is literally loaded with a number of useful tools and native applications that can handle a lot. These applications include, for example, Preview, in which you can work not only with photos, but also with documents in PDF format, including signing them. To add a signature to the application preview click on toolbar at the top of the screen your Mac to Tools -> Annotation -> Signature -> Signature Report. Then just choose whether you want to add the signature on the trackpad, by taking a photo of the signature on paper, or from your iPhone or iPad.

Create multiple surfaces

You can use more than one desktop on your Mac. To add a new desktop, first perform a gesture on the trackpad swipe with three fingers from the center upwards. In the bar at the top of the screen you can see a list of current surfaces. If you want to add a new desktop, click on “+” in the upper left corner. You can then move between individual desktops on a Mac with a gesture three finger swipe left or right on the trackpad.

Mac silent startup

When you turn on your Mac, you will always hear a characteristic "start-up sound", which, among other things, indicates that all the automatic actions that are required before the Mac can start up have been successfully performed. But if for whatever reason you need your Mac to start up completely silently, there's a solution. IN upper left corner of the screen of your Mac click on Apple Menu and then select System Preferences. In preferences window click on Sound and then uncheck the item Play startup sound.

Make the most of Spotlight

The macOS operating system also includes Spotlight, a very useful tool that does more than just find files or launch applications. You can enter basic arithmetic operations, unit and currency conversions into Spotlight, or you can also use it as a tool to search for information on the web. We covered Spotlight on Mac in more detail in one of our previous articles.
