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Most of us use the Google search engine every day. Whether you just need to find information about an event, want to quickly go to a page, or perhaps translate something, Google will help you in all cases. But the truth is that Google is definitely not just an ordinary search engine. This is because it offers countless different functions that are relatively hidden and the user will not come across them - that is, until he enters a specific term into the search. Below we have prepared 5 interesting things for you to try in Google. However, this is by no means a complete list of all available functions. If you like the article, we can certainly prepare another part of it.

Play Pac-Man

Pac-Man is a Japanese platformer developed by Namco. It was first released in Japan on May 22, 1980. It soon became very popular, even a cult game, which it undoubtedly is to this day. It has become a symbol of computer games and a template for many mutations, popular songs and a TV series. If you have ever played Pac-Man and would like to remember those times, or if you are hearing about it for the first time, then you can play this game directly in the Google search engine - just type Pac-Man Then just tap Start and you're ready to play.

View the graph of a function

Most of you probably know that the Google search engine can be used as a classic calculator. Just to remind you, just type in the search Calculator, or to directly enter the example you want to calculate. In addition to the calculator, the Google search engine can also display a function graph, which many mathematicians and high school or university students will appreciate. If you want to see the graph of the function in Google, you just need to enter it in the search Graph for, and for this term the function itself. For example, if you want to get the graph of the function x^2, search Graph for x^2.

google graph function

Currency and unit conversion

Another great feature of the Google search engine that I personally use almost every day is currency and unit conversion. I often shop in foreign stores and need, for example, to have euros or dollars converted into Czech crowns, or from time to time I will also use a quick conversion of measurement, weight and other units. If you want to convert any currency into Czech crowns, all you have to do is type the amount into the search engine followed by the currency it is in - for example 100 EUR, or perhaps 100 dollars. If you want to directly convert a foreign currency to another foreign currency (for example 100 EUR to GBP), then just write in the search 100 EUR = ? GBP. Immediately afterwards, you will see a result that you can count on. It works the same way in the case of units – to convert 100 meters to millimeters just write 100 m = ? mm.

History of the Google logo

If you are already among the "adults", you surely still remember the old Google logos. The Google search engine was very popular several years ago and not only now. The last time we saw a change in the Google logo was almost six years ago, namely on August 31, 2015. In total, Google managed to replace seven different logos. If you would like to recall all these logos and find out exactly when the changes happened, you can. Just type in Google search Google logo history. Below the search field, you will see a simple interface in which you can already switch between logos.

google logo

Toss a die or a coin

Can't you often agree on something, or do you need to do a so-called shootout? Even in this case, Google can help you a lot. Among other things, it offers tools in which you can roll a dice or flip a coin. If you would like to view the roll of the dice, write in the search box Roll of the dice. Below you can already roll a die with the Roll button, but before that you can change the style of the die, or add or remove another die. As for the coin toss, just type in the search box Coin toss. If you click the arrow icon below both of these tools, you can see other great tools that you might find useful.
