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Have you installed the public beta version of the iOS 15 operating system on your iPhone, and are you trying out what possibilities this novelty actually offers you? In today's article, we bring you five tips for features you may not have tried in your iOS 15 beta yet.

Scanning business cards and signatures

If you have an iPhone with the beta version of the iOS 15 operating system, know that your phone now has the ability to automatically recognize a signature on paper or a business card. The iPhone with iOS 15 can scan this content and attach it, for example, to an e-mail message. Just enough long press the text box area for example in a detailed e-mail, and in menu, which appears to you, choose Insert text from camera. Once the text is captured, tap the blue button Insert.

Warning of weather changes

When Apple purchased Dark Sky's weather platform, many users hoped to improve their native Weather accordingly. This application offers one very interesting and useful function in the iOS 15 operating system. If you run the Weather application, click on the lines icon in the lower right corner and then on icon of three dots in a circle in the upper right corner, you can in the section Notification activate notifications about weather changes for your current location, or for the selected city.

Change text in specific applications

Are you struggling with the text size of a particular application on your iPhone, but you don't want to change the overall display on your iPhone because of it? In iOS 15, you have the option to adjust the text size in individual applications. First, launch Settings -> Control Center on your iPhone. Add Text Size to the controls. Then, in a specific application, just activate the Control Center and change the text size.

Drag and drop functionality

You don't have to use the drag and drop function only in the environment of the macOS operating system. In iOS 15, it's also available on your iPhone, and it lets you, for example, easily and quickly drag images from your iPhone's photo gallery into Messages. Long press on the selected preview photos in the gallery until the preview starts to move. After that use the finger of the other hand to go to the application, in which you want to insert the image. It will appear in the field preview with "+" icon in the upper right corner, so you can easily add the image to the application.

Photo details

Need to find out more details about some of the photos stored on your iPhone? In the iOS 15 operating system, this will not be a problem. This version of Apple's mobile operating system offers a little more detail about the photos you take. On bar at the bottom of the display your iPhone tap ⓘ . It will appear to you all details, which are available for that photo.
