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Family Sharing is a feature that is very important to many users. And it's no wonder, because it can save money and simplify some tasks. Family Sharing can include up to six members in total, and you can then share your purchases and subscriptions with them, along with your iCloud storage. In addition, you can use some other functions. In the new iOS 16, Apple decided to improve family sharing, and in this article we will look together at 5 new options that it comes with.

Instant access

Primarily, it is necessary to mention that Apple has completely simplified the process by which you can get to the Family Sharing interface within iOS 16. While in older versions of iOS you had to go to Settings → your profile → Family Sharing, in the new iOS 16 you only need to click Settings, where already at the top click on the box Rodina under your profile. This will immediately bring up the redesigned interface.

family sharing ios 16

Member settings

As I mentioned in the introduction, up to six members can be part of family sharing, if we include ourselves. It is then possible to make all sorts of adjustments and set permissions for individual members, which comes in handy, for example, if you also have children in your family. If you would like to manage members, go to Settings → Family, where it will be displayed to you immediately list of members. It is enough to make adjustments tap on the member a make the necessary changes.

Creating a child account

Do you have a child for whom you bought an Apple device, most likely an iPhone, and you want to create a child Apple ID for him, which will then be automatically assigned to your family and you will be able to manage it easily? If so, there is nothing complicated about iOS 16. You just need to go to Settings → Family, where at the top right click on stick figure icon with +, and then to the option Create a child account. This type of account can be operated up to 15 years of age, after which it is automatically converted to a classic account.

Family to-do list

As I already mentioned, Family Sharing offers several great options and features. So that you can use them all to the fullest, Apple has prepared a kind of family to-do list for you in iOS 16. In it, you can see all the tasks and reminders you should do to get the most out of Family Sharing. For example, you'll find a task to add family to Health ID, share location and iCloud+ with family, add a recovery contact, and more. To view, just go to Settings → Family → Family Task List.

Limit extension via Messages

If you have a child in your family, you can activate the Screen Time function for him and then set various restrictions on the use of his device, for example in the form of a maximum time for playing games or watching social networks, etc. In the event that you set such a restriction and the child runs out, so he could have come to you and asked you for an extension, which you could have done. However, in iOS 16 there is already an option that allows the child to ask you to extend the limit via Messages, which is useful, for example, if you are not directly with him.
