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A few weeks ago, Apple presented new versions of its operating systems at its developer conference. Specifically, we are talking about iOS and iPadOS 16, macOS 13 Ventura, and watchOS 9. All of these new operating systems are currently available in beta versions for developers and testers, but they are still being installed by ordinary users. There is more than enough news in these new systems, and some of them also concern family sharing. That's why in this article we'll take a look at 5 new features in Family Sharing from iOS 16. Let's get straight to the point.

Quick access

In older versions of iOS, if you wanted to go to the Family Sharing section, you had to open Settings, then your profile at the top. Subsequently, on the next screen, it was necessary to tap on Family Sharing, where the interface has already appeared. However, in iOS 16, accessing Family Sharing is easier – just go to Settings, where right at the top just click on the section Rodina, which will show you a new interface.

family sharing ios 16

Family to-do list

In addition to redesigning the family sharing section, Apple also introduced a new section called the family to-do list. Within this section, there are several points that the family should make in order to be able to use Apple Family Sharing to the fullest. To view this new section, just go to Settings → Family → Family Task List.

Creating a new child account

If you have a child for whom you have purchased an Apple device, such as an iPhone, you have most likely created a child Apple ID for them. This is available to all children under 15 and if you use it as a parent, you get access to various parental functions and restrictions. To create a new child account, just go to Settings → Family, where at the top right press icon stick figure with +. Then just press down Create a child account.

Family member settings

Family sharing can have a total of six members, including you. For all these members, the family sharing manager can then make various adjustments and settings. If you would like to manage members, go to Settings → Family, where the list of members is displayed. Then just to manage a specific member it is enough that you they tapped him. You can then view their Apple ID, set their role, subscriptions, purchase sharing and location sharing.

Limit extension via Messages

As I mentioned on one of the previous pages, you can create a special child account for your child, over which you then have some form of control. One of the main options includes setting restrictions for individual applications, i.e. for example for social networks, games, etc. If you set a restriction for a child that is activated after a certain period of use, then in iOS 16 the child will now be able to ask you for limit extension directly through the Messages application.
