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In iOS 15, Apple came up with countless new features that are definitely worth it. Undoubtedly, one of them includes Live Text, i.e. Live Text. It can specifically recognize the text on any image or photo, with the fact that you can then easily work with it - just like with any other text. This means you can mark it up, copy and paste it, search it, and much more. So Live Text is definitely great to use, and the good news is that it has received further improvements in iOS 16. There are 5 of them in total and we will look at them in this article.

Live text in video

The biggest news in Live Text is that we can finally use it in videos as well. This means that we are not limited to just photos and images for text recognition. If you would like to use Live Text in a video, then simply use it find the passage where the text, which you want to work with, finds, and then pause the video. After that, just classic is enough hold your finger on the text, mark him and work with herm. However, this feature is only available in the default players from iOS. If you would like to use Live Text within YouTube, for example, you will need to take a screenshot and then recognize the text in Photos in the classic way.

Unit conversion

As part of iOS 16, live text has also seen an expansion of its functionality in the interface itself for working with text. The first novelty is the option for simple conversion of units. This means that if you recognize some text in which there is a foreign unit, you can have it converted to familiar units, i.e. yards to meters, etc. To convert, just click on the bottom left of the interface gear icon, or just tap on the text itself with the units, which will be underlined.

Currency conversion

Just as you can convert units within Live Text, you can also convert currencies. This means that if you recognize an image with a foreign currency on it, you can simply have it converted to a currency you know. The procedure is the same as for units - just go to the Live Text interface, then click on at the bottom left gear icon, Alternatively, you can tap on specific underlined text with currency.

Translation of texts

In addition to converting units and currencies, Live Text in iOS 16 can also translate text. At the outset, it is necessary to mention that Czech is still not available in iOS translation, however, if you know English, you can use translation from other languages ​​into it. To perform the translation, you just need to move to the Live Text interface, where you either click on the icon at the bottom left Translate, however, you can highlight the text you want to translate, and then tap Translate in the small menu. The text will then be translated, with a section for changing translation preferences appearing at the bottom of the screen.

Expanding language support

The latest news that Live Text has received in iOS 16 is the expansion of language support. Unfortunately, the live text is still not officially available in the Czech language, which is why it unfortunately does not handle diacritics. However, it is practically quite clear that in the near future we will also receive support for the Czech language. In iOS 16, language support was expanded to include Japanese, Korean and Ukrainian.
