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Daily exercise, improving focus, tracking expenses, journaling - there are many things we would like and have every day. But man is lazy by nature and simply doesn't want to. However, with the help of these 5 best iPhone apps, you can whip yourself up to achieve your goals. They simply motivate you to be more productive.


Building positive habits takes tremendous commitment and persistence, but the rewards of a healthier lifestyle will be worth it. In the popular Forest application, you will see a lush forest that has grown only thanks to your concentration on the given problem (or even reading a book, etc.). Here you set the time of the planned concentration and put the phone away. You must not touch it until the warning, otherwise everything you have sown here will dry up.

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Fortune City 

If you stake forests in the Forest title, in the Fortune City application you are the mayor of the city, and with each new financial transaction you record here, your city gets a new building. How your city thrives is determined by your spending habits. Do you spend a lot on food? In the application, you will see this on a number of restaurants, etc. There are a number of statistics and graphs so that you can draw appropriate conclusions from your actions.

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Finding the motivation to be physically active is simply hard. We know in advance that it will hurt. But in the Hops app, your activity can help one cute forest spirit. The more you feed him with your steps, the more forest he will explore. For every 500 new steps, he can collect different materials with which you can customize his appearance. It's nice and it will definitely benefit you.

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Since we spend a third of our lives sleeping, it is relatively advisable to have healthy sleeping habits as well. This title will help you achieve regular sleep while building your little town. Before going to bed, just put the phone down and let it work or build for the selected sleep time. Of course, it's about discipline and a suitable setting, but it's important to start and try not to stare at the display all the time before falling asleep.

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Flat Tomato 

It is a time management app that helps people be more productive by avoiding the distraction of using their phone and tracking the time spent on each activity they perform. Everything here is based on the Pomodoro technique, a type of time management method developed in the 80s. Just break big projects into smaller ones, and every job goes much better. Of course, there must also be breaks that improve mental alertness.

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