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We have prepared for you the most interesting games that are completely free or with a discount today. Unfortunately, it can easily happen that some applications will be at full price again. We cannot influence this in any way and we would like to assure you that the application was free or at a discount at the time of writing the article.


Darkwood is a horror survival game seen from a top-down perspective and offers primarily a dark atmosphere. As you play, you explore and survive in an inhospitable world. During the day you walk through randomly generated forests and at night you try to find a hideout that needs to be secured to see you through to the next morning.

  • Original price: €13,99 (€4,19)

Wasteland 3

Lovers of action-strategy RPG titles should definitely not miss the action of Wasteland 3 today. In this game, you take on the role of the leader of a group of fighters who are trying to restore civilization from the ground up in the ruins of the world after a nuclear war. After more than a century of war, literally everything is destroyed and your task is to save the Earth and take care of its restoration - but don't be fooled, because at the same time you will have to fight with various and extremely dangerous enemies.

  • Original price: €33,99 (€16,99)

Pillars of Eternity

The RPG game called Pillars of Eternity takes you to a magical world where you are the architect of your own destiny. Challenging and exciting battles and adventurous journeys await you, in which you will have to carefully consider your every step, and in which you will encounter a number of pitfalls and enemies.

  • Original price: €27,99 (€6,99)

Emperor: Rome

Throughout history, there have been many dominant men who were able to shape the history of the Roman Empire. But what if you took matters into your own hands? This is exactly what Imperator: Rome is all about, where you will literally decide the future of the entire empire. It's up to you how you reach the top.

  • Original price: €39,99 (€9,99)

Magick 2

Magicka 2 is a game that is addictive, fun and just plain good. Especially in cooperation with a friend, you will enjoy it to the maximum, when you will have to combine your spells to defeat all enemies.

  • Original price: €14,99 (€3,74)