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We have prepared for you the most interesting games that are discounted today. Unfortunately, it can easily happen that some applications will be at full price again. We have no control over this and would like to assure you that the app was on sale at the time of writing.


Gorogoa is a puzzle game that rests and falls on cards and tiles that the player combines and explores each frame to discover connections. This game may get you upset a few times due to the unclear solutions, but the artwork and great gameplay will completely absorb and entertain you.

  • Original price: €14,99 (€4,49)

speed Runners

If you're a fan of competitive multiplayer racing games, then SpeedRunners is the title for you. In this game you will find yourself in a city full of criminals and you yourself will play as one of the superheroes. In order to win over your opponents, you will have to choose the right run, overcome obstacles, use bombs and many other features.

  • Original price: €14,99 (€3,74)

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, you find yourself in the year 2029, where mechanically enhanced humans live on the fringes of society as outlaws. You will find yourself in the role of Adam Jensen, who falls among these people and has a difficult task ahead of him. He must use his arsenal of weapons along with his superpowers to prevent a global conspiracy.

  • Original price: €29,99 (€4,49)


Do you like gluing model airplanes? In this game, you have the opportunity to build airplanes by simply snapping individual parts together, creating wings and connecting engines. You can sit in the cockpit every time and try out how your model flies. More than 250.000 aircraft are available.

  • Original price: €11,49 (€5,74)

Universe Sandbox

Universe Sandbox is simply a space simulator. In it, you can experiment with galaxies and planets that you can destroy, and all this in VR. A clear matter for space lovers.

  • Original price: €24,99 (€20,99)
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