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We have prepared for you the most interesting applications and games that are completely free today. Unfortunately, it can easily happen that some applications will be at full price again. We have no control over this and would like to assure you that the app was free at the time of writing.

Agent A: A puzzle in disguise 

Are you a fan of action puzzle games? If you answered yes to this question, you should definitely not miss the title Agent A: A puzzle in disguise. In this game, you take on the role of a professional agent whose task is crucial and difficult. You will have to infiltrate an enemy organization and eliminate their spy who is attacking your colleagues.

  • Original price: 149 CZK (25 CZK)

Night of the Rabbit

In the game Night of the Rabbit, you will find yourself in a rather wonderful world full of magic and other peculiarities, where you will join the white rabbit. Your task will be to explore the secret of a realm called Mousewood, where animals talk to each other like humans and have built a perfect civilization.

  • Original price: 499 CZK (49 CZK)

The Dark Eye - Chains of Satinav

If you are among the lovers of fun RPG adventures, in which a breathtaking story awaits you, get smarter. The interesting game The Dark Eye - Chains of Satinav welcomed into the event, where you will find yourself in a very interesting kingdom teetering on the brink of war. The biggest problem is the strange crows that have even started attacking people. Can you solve this problem? The title is then perfectly complemented by a great soundtrack and the mentioned, well-crafted story.

  • Original price: 499 K (49 CZK)


With Recordam, you can quickly turn on audio recording on your Mac. In this tool, you simply need to choose the input device from which you want to record and then just start. In addition, you can share the resulting recordings with your friends in a second, through the options offered by the macOS system.

  • Original price: 99 CZK (49 CZK)

Brain App

Do you like logical games that can test and at the same time practice your thinking? If you answered yes to this question, then you should definitely not miss today's discount on the popular Brain App game. She will prepare a series of puzzles and tasks for you every day that will test your skills.

  • Original price: 99 CZK (79 CZK)
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