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Most of us read e-books mainly on the iPad. But there are also those who use their Mac for this purpose. In today's article, we bring you tips on five macOS applications that you can use for reading and managing e-books.

Apple Books

Native Apple Books are usually the first choice for most users. No wonder. This is a free and quite powerful application to which, in addition to titles purchased in the Apple online bookstore, you can also add your own content in PDF format and others, or export electronic books, for example, from cloud storage.


The Caliber application can deal with a really diverse range of different e-books and documents. At first, it may seem a bit confusing, but you will quickly get used to it. It offers rich sorting and management options, editing tools, but also the ability to share your e-books or basic font and color customization options.

Download the Caliber app here.

Yomu eBook Reader

Yomu is a cross-platform independent e-book reader for your Apple device. It offers a number of functions for undisturbed and comfortable reading, boasts a clear user interface and support for epub, mobi, azw, cbz, cbr and other formats. Yomu also offers the ability to customize the appearance, several themes and reading modes.

You can download Yomu eBook Reader for free here.


The FBReader application is sometimes accused of an imperfect user interface, but that practically ends the list of its negatives (unfortunately, along with some obsolescence). FBReader is a handy reader that offers support for epub, doc, txt and many other formats, offers rich customization and display editing options, supports cloud synchronization and much more. If you're looking for a free reader for basic needs, FBReader might be the right choice for you.


You can download FBReader for free here.

Neat Reader

Neat Reader is a cross-platform application for reading e-books not only on Mac. Neat Reader offers ePub format support. It boasts a clear and elegant user interface, features for annotations and, last but not least, options to customize the appearance.

You can download Neat Reader for free here.
