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In January of this year, Apple celebrated in a big way 30th anniversary your Macintosh computer. For three decades, Apple promoted Macs on its website, filmed using iPhones unique video and in the highest representatives, including the executive director Tim Cook, he even allowed k several interviews. We also commemorated the round apple anniversary at the iCON Prague conference, where the editors of Jablíčkář invited Vojtěch Vojtíšek and Jiří Zeiner, graphic designers and producers, who have been making things on Mac computers since time immemorial.

To the visitors of iCON Prague 2014, whose main topic were mind maps a life hacking in general, we wanted to show that it was not always so easy with Macy in our basin, but at the same time life with them brought a lot of interesting stories. As Vojta Vojtíšek vividly demonstrated in his professional career, being a graphic artist 20 years ago and working on a Mac also meant practically being a member of the underground. But as Vojtíšek himself says, "nobody other than Apple was ever allowed into my computer", so he took various vicissitudes as a way to enrich his life. Jiří Zeiner, who has been involved in video for many years, also recalled what it was like to create on a Mac or how incredibly expensive it was to shoot films.

[youtube id=aH5BeF99Du4 width=”620″ height=”360″]
