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We have prepared for you the most interesting applications that you can get today for free or at a discount. Unfortunately, it may happen that some applications return to their original price. Of course, we cannot influence this in any way and we want to assure you that at the time of writing the application was available at a discount, or even completely free.

Pro Cam 7

The native Camera application can take care of quite high-quality photos. But if you want something more, you might be interested in the ProCam 7 tool, which allows you to squeeze the real maximum out of the photo module of your iPhone or iPad. The application can then be controlled via the Apple Watch.

Notebooks: Write and Organize

The user-favorite application Notebooks: Write and Organize is back in action, which can replace your notebooks. Within this program, you can write all sorts of notes and documents, then categorize them accordingly and keep everything organized. You can then view your work on your Apple Watch.¨


Nowadays, we have a number of different social networks available to us. If you spend most of your time on the network known as Twitter, smarten up. The Aviary application, which functions as a practical client for the mentioned social network, got into the action. The application is designed for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch.
