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We have prepared for you the most interesting applications and games that are completely free today. Unfortunately, it can easily happen that some applications will be at full price again. We have no control over this and would like to assure you that the app was free at the time of writing.

TitanQuest: Legendary Edition

The extremely interesting game Titan Quest: Legendary Edition also entered the event today, which you can play not only on iPad and iPhone, but also on Apple TV. This is an action RPG where your task will be to save the whole world from disaster. The main enemies are the mighty Titans. You will have to help the gods who cannot defeat them by themselves.

  • Original price: 449 CZK (329 CZK)


In this title, you take on the role of a boy named Gilbert, who suffers from an extreme allergy to eggs. As soon as he eats some, he starts throwing up incredibly. The story revolves around how Gilbert tries to escape from his strict aunt and get to the birthday party. However, to deal with all the pitfalls that await him on the way, he will need his "superpower."

  • Original price: 149 CZK (129 CZK)

Castle board game

Do you consider yourself a lover of classic board games? If you answered yes to this question, you might be interested in the Castles board game, which is designed for two to four players. You practically have to build a castle, roads and monasteries. You then collect points for the figures on your squares. You can play either online or against the computer.
