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We have prepared for you the most interesting applications that you can get today for free or at a discount. Unfortunately, it may happen that some applications return to their original price. Of course, we cannot influence this in any way and we want to assure you that at the time of writing the application was available at a discount, or even completely free.


In the game Hyperforma, you will go to the distant future, where you will face it head on. You find yourself 256 years ahead as an anonymous explorer. But the problem lies in the fact that the classical civilization has completely died out, leaving behind only an ancient network. Your task will be to explore this cyberspace and uncover a series of mysteries left behind by the aforementioned vanished civilization.

Word forward

By purchasing the Word Forward application, you get a great educational game that can practice your English and expand your vocabulary. In the game, there are various tables waiting for you, in which you have to add individual letters to form words.

Mindkeeper : The Lurking Fear

Are you a lover of mysterious and mysterious games? If you answered yes to this question, then you should definitely not miss the current event on the application Mindkeeper : The Lurking Fear, in which you take on the role of an investigator named H. Joyce and go to explore a strange environment. But the problem is that you will come across a wide variety of different creatures on your way.

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