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We have prepared for you the most interesting applications that you can get today for free or at a discount. Unfortunately, it may happen that some applications return to their original price. Of course, we cannot influence this in any way and we want to assure you that at the time of writing the application was available at a discount, or even completely free.

Second Canvas Mauritshuis

If you're interested in culture and art, you shouldn't miss today's Second Canvas Mauritshuis event. This application will take you to the Netherlands, specifically to Moric's house, where many works of art by Rembrandt and other greats are hidden. You can thus view their paintings in high resolution, directly from the comfort of your living room.

The Robot Factory by Tinybop

The Robot Factory by Tinybop game is mainly aimed at parents with children who want to learn something fun. In this game, you will have a fairly easy task at first glance - you will have to build robots and then carefully test them to see if they are fully functional. You can see how the game works in the gallery below.

Wormster Dash

Do you like harder games where you have to really try to achieve something? If you answered yes to this question, you should definitely not miss the game Wormster Dash. In that one, you'll be running from a mysterious monster, but you'll have to be careful. There are no checkpoints in the game, so you can't afford to fail.

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