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We have prepared for you the most interesting applications and games that are completely free today. Unfortunately, it can easily happen that some applications will be at full price again. We have no control over this and would like to assure you that the app was free at the time of writing.

sketch party tv

If you often hang out with friends and are looking for something to keep you occupied, you should at least check out the SketchParty TV app. In the case of this game, you will be able to use items that you already have at home and use them for guessing while playing the game itself. You can see how the title looks and works in the gallery below.

  • Original price: 179 CZK (149 CZK)

Castle board game

Do you consider yourself a lover of classic board games? If you answered yes to this question, you might be interested in the Castles board game, which is designed for two to four players. You practically have to build a castle, roads and monasteries. You then collect points for the figures on your squares. You can play either online or against the computer.

  • Original price: 99 CZK (25 CZK)

Phil the Pill

If you are looking for a fun game with a great story that will also lightly test your logical thinking, then you should definitely not miss today's promotion for the title Phil The Pill, which is available for free. In this adventure game, 96 levels are waiting for you, in which you will have to jump, fight, throw bombs and the like. Your goal is to save your homeland from an invader named Hank The Stank.

  • Original price: 129 CZK (Free)
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