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We have prepared for you the most interesting applications and games that are completely free today. Unfortunately, it can easily happen that some applications will be at full price again. We have no control over this and would like to assure you that the app was free at the time of writing. To download the application, click on the application name.

OK Golf

Playing golf can be very relaxing and also great fun. You've probably already come across some mobile games, but how about taking golf to a bigger scale and playing it right on your TV? This is what OK Golf allows you, which offers perfect graphics, great features and even multiplayer.

  • Original price: 79 CZK (49 CZK)

Kids Concepts

Do the so-called flash cards tell you anything? This is a great way for quick and effective learning, where there is a question on one side of the card and the answer on the other. The Kids Concepts app uses this system and targets parents with smaller children. In this way, they can learn more information much faster.

  • Original price: 25 CZK (Free)

Retro Weather

If you are looking for a great application that will serve you to display the weather and other forecasts, then you should at least look at the Retro Weather program. As the name itself suggests, the application offers a perfect retro design and can present the aforementioned forecast to you in an interesting form.

  • Original price: 79 CZK (49 CZK)