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We have prepared for you the most interesting applications that you can get today for free or at a discount. Unfortunately, it may happen that some applications return to their original price. Of course, we cannot influence this in any way and we want to assure you that at the time of writing the application was available at a discount, or even completely free.


Do you consider yourself a fan of games that hide a lot of secrets and put a lot of mysteries in front of you? If you answered yes to this question, you might be interested in the game Hyperform. In it, you will find yourself 256 years in the distant future, where all human civilization has already disappeared. Your task will be to uncover a series of mysteries and reveal the whole secret.

Chuggington - We are the Chuggineers

Chuggington - We are the Chuggineers is aimed mainly at children, bringing a lot of fun to the big screen. In this game, you will control different trains that run along the tracks and collect different points. Your task will be to complete various challenges, avoid obstacles and collect the mentioned points.

The Robot Factory by Tinybop

Another game title we'll be featuring here today, which is also primarily aimed at kids, is The Robot Factory by Tinybop. In this game you will be able to play with all kinds of robots. Your task will be to be able to build individual robots and then also test them.
