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Social networks rule the world and have become an inseparable part of our daily lives. We can use them for a variety of purposes, the most common being sharing thoughts and stories, photos and videos, communicating with other users, grouping and the like. Undoubtedly, the most popular are Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, whose value has risen considerably in recent years. If social networks are so popular and can make so much money, why didn't Apple come up with its own?

In the past, Google, for example, tried something similar with its Google+ network. Unfortunately, she did not have much success, which is why the company finally cut her. On the other hand, Apple previously had similar ambitions, having established a similar platform for iTunes users. It was called iTunes Ping and was launched in 2010. Unfortunately, Apple had to cancel it two years later due to failure. But many things have changed since then. While at the time we looked at social networks as great helpers, today we also perceive their negatives and try to minimize any negative effects. After all, there are several reasons why Apple probably won't start creating its own social network.

Dangers of social networks

As we mentioned in the beginning, social networks are accompanied by a number of risks. For example, it is extremely difficult to check the content on them and ensure its integrity. Among other risks, experts include the possible emergence of addiction, stress and depression, feelings of loneliness and exclusion from society, and deterioration of attention. If we look at it that way, something similar in combination with Apple simply does not go together. The Cupertino giant, on the other hand, relies on flawless content, which can be seen, for example, in its streaming platform  TV+.

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It simply wouldn't be possible for the Cupertino company to completely moderate the entire social network and ensure appropriate content for everyone. At the same time, this would put the company in a very unpleasant situation where it would have to decide what is actually right and wrong. Of course, many topics are more or less subjective, so something like this could bring a wave of negative attention.

Social networks and their impact on privacy

Today, it is no longer a secret that social networks follow us more than we might expect. After all, that is what they are practically based on. They collect personal information about individual users and their interests, which they can then turn into a bundle of money. Thanks to such detailed information, he knows very well how to personalize specific ads for a given user, and thus how to convince him to buy a product.

As in the previous point, this ailment is literally against Apple's philosophy. The Cupertino giant, on the contrary, puts itself in a position in which it protects the personal data and privacy of its users, thereby ensuring maximum security. That is why we would find a number of handy functions in apple operating systems, with the help of which we can, for example, hide our e-mail, block trackers on the Internet or hide our IP address (and location) and the like.

Failure of earlier attempts

As we have already mentioned, Apple has already tried to create its own social network in the past and was not successful twice, while its competitor Google also encountered practically the same situation. Although it was a relatively negative experience for the apple company, on the other hand, it clearly had to learn from it. If it didn't work before, when social networks were at their peak, then maybe it's a bit pointless to try something like this again. If we then add the mentioned privacy concerns, risks of objectionable content and all other negatives, then it is more or less clear to us that we should not count on Apple's social network.

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