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In a bit of a surprise, Apple today sent out invitations to an upcoming event on March 27th. According to the company's statement, the upcoming event will focus on new creative possibilities for students and teachers. The subtitle of the new event is "Let's take a field trip", meaning "let's take a field trip".

It is not yet clear what exactly it will be about, or whether we will see the introduction of any new products at this event or not. What is clear so far is that the entire event will take place at a technical high school in Chicago. The invitations that Apple sent out to select newsrooms today do not carry any other specific information regarding either the format or the content itself.

We can only speculate about what Apple will introduce during this event. However, there are several indications from the last few weeks. We can expect new iPads, but it is still relatively early. It is much more likely that Apple will talk about new tools that it is preparing for the school environment. They have been talked about for some time, and the chosen location would correspond to it thematically. This year, Apple should introduce the new MacBook Air (or its successor), but we will most likely not see that until WWDC. Then only the new version of the iPhone SE comes into consideration, but that is not expected much.

It will be very interesting to see what Apple has in store for us. Considering the school environment, we can assume which direction the conference will go. However, the presented news will certainly be a big surprise. Do you expect something specific from the event? If so, share with us in the discussion below.

Source: Apple
