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Every time after the launch of a new Apple device, it does not take a long time to completely disassemble it down to the last screw (it is true, we do not find many screws in current devices anymore - many parts are attached to each other with glue). Blog Bolt took apart the knockoff Beats Solo HD and tried to calculate the cost of the parts. However, initially the authors of the blog thought it was an original.

As said, you won't find many screws in today's devices. In particular, you can count exactly eight of them in these headphones, and they attach the grille of the headphones to the speaker. Other plastic parts are produced by injection molding, which costs almost nothing in mass production.

Paradoxically, the most difficult part to manufacture is the head bridge. This is because it is stressed the most out of all headphones, because in addition to being stretched, it is often subjected to twisting. In the most problematic places, i.e. around the joints, it is reinforced with zinc parts.

Also, the end of the bridge, which connects it to the "flaps", is relatively demanding to manufacture, as it requires the connection of several plastic parts. Thanks to the cheap production of plastics, the additional joining time is not a major problem. But everything has to fit perfectly.

A rough estimate of the prices of imitation parts is 17 dollars (415 crowns). However, this price does not include development (or rather copying) and other costs. $7 for the box and contents, $3 for the metal bridge parts, $2 for the speakers, and the rest of the parts are less than a dollar.

Note: The source for the original article unwittingly only dissected the knockoff Beats Solo HD, so take it as a laugh. The main difference is the speakers - the "fake" has only one per ear. However, the original Solo HDs have two speakers on each ear, which are additionally coated with a thin layer of titanium, making them much shinier. Second, the metal parts of the originals are not only made of zinc, but of a zinc-containing alloy. Zinc does not attract magnets, but the metallic parts of the Solo HD are magnetic. And thirdly – ​​the original box does not contain Chinese, Japanese or Korean labels.

[youtube id=”jpic0K-S77w” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Sources: BoltDaring Fireball, Core77
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