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Keyboard shortcuts can simply make life easier for any macOS user. Some use keyboard shortcuts in Safari, Mail, Finder or other applications. But did you know that there are also shortcuts that you can use to fully operate the Dock with applications? On the one hand, this will speed up your work in some cases, and shortcuts can also be useful if the trackpad is not working or you do not have a mouse connected. In today's article, let's take a look at a selection of the thirteen best shortcuts that you can use within the Dock.

General shortcuts for using the Dock

  1. Use the keyboard shortcut to minimize the clicked window to the Dock Command+M
  2. If you want to quickly close or open the Dock, use the shortcut Option + Command + D
  3. If you want to add an application or a file from the Finder to the Dock, you can use shortcuts Control + Shift + Command + T
  4. Hold the key to open the Dock menu Control and click on distributor Dock (or right-click on it)

dock divider in macos

Shortcuts to use when you want to move around the Dock using the keys

You will be able to use all the shortcuts listed below after you switch to the Dock using the first keyboard shortcut below. This way, you will be able to move easily in the Dock using the keys and not just using the mouse.

  1. Press the shortcut to move to the Dock environment Ctrl+F3
  2. You can navigate the Dock using left and right arrows
  3. Press to open the application menu in the Dock up arrow
  4. Press to open the menu with the option Force quit the application Option, and then up arrow
  5. If you want to open the selected application, press the key Enter
  6. If you want to open the application in the Finder, press the shortcut key Command+Enter
  7. Quickly move to a specific application in the Dock - press letter, which begins application you want to run
  8. To hide all apps and windows except the selected app in the Dock, press keys Command + Option + Enter
  9. If you want to move an application in the Dock, hover over it, hold the key Option, and then navigate left and right arrows

It goes without saying that you won't be able to memorize the above abbreviations. However, it might not hurt if you learn at least the first four, which can probably help you the most. You can use the second part of the shortcuts when, for example, you are unable to use the mouse on a Mac or MacBook.
