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Today is exactly ten years since Steve Jobs left this world. The co-founder of Apple, a technological visionary and a unique personality, was 56 years old at the time of his departure. In addition to unforgettable hardware and software products, Steve Jobs also left behind a lot of quotes - we will remember five of them on today's occasion.

About design

Design was in many ways both alpha and omega for Steve Jobs. Jobs was very concerned not only with how a given product or service works, but also with how it looks. At the same time, Steve Jobs was convinced that it is necessary to tell consumers what they actually like: "It is very difficult to design products based on group discussions. Most people don't know what they want until you show them," he said in an interview with BusinessWeek in 1998.

Steve Jobs with iMac Business Insider

About wealth

Although Steve Jobs did not come from an extremely rich background, he managed to earn a really large amount of money during his tenure at Apple. We can only guess what Steve Jobs would be like if he became an average earning citizen. But it seems that wealth was not his main goal for him. Jobs wanted to change the world. “I don't care about being the richest person in the graveyard. Going to bed at night knowing I've done something amazing is what matters to me.” he stated in a 1993 interview with The Wall Street Journal.

About returns

Steve Jobs didn't work at Apple all the time. After certain internal storms, he left the company in 1985 to devote himself to other activities, but returned to it again in the XNUMXs. But he already knew at the time of his departure that Apple was a place he would always like to return to:“I will always be connected to Apple. I hope that the thread of Apple and the thread of my life will run through my whole life, and that they will be intertwined like a tapestry. I may not be here for a few years, but I will always be back,” he stated in a 1985 Playboy interview.

Steve Jobs Playboy

About trust in the future

Among Jobs' most famous speeches is the one he gave in 2005 on the grounds of Stanford University. Among other things, Steve Jobs told the students at the time that it is important to have faith in the future and to believe in something:“You have to trust something—your instincts, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This attitude has never failed me and has greatly influenced my life.”

About the love of work

Steve Jobs was described by some people as a workaholic who wants to have equally passionate individuals around him. The truth is that the co-founder of Apple was very aware that the average person spends a lot of time at work, so it is important that he loves it and believes in what he does. "Work takes up a large part of your lives, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to believe that the work you are doing is great," he appealed to students in the aforementioned speech at Stanford University, saying that they had to look for such a job for so long , until they actually find her.
