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You may have heard about a new social network in an app called Path. What is it really about?

Maybe you've been looking for an app that lets you share absolutely everything with your loved ones. Your life, your daily activities and maybe also your joys and worries. If you have a family full of Apple devices, or friends who are willing to share their lives with you, then Path is the application for you.

What did I mean by sharing my life? Before you argue that I'm a few years late with this idea and that Facebook is already here for sharing personal lives, then hold on for a moment. You are right that it is just another social network. But just as there were many photo-sharing copycats with a few filters added when Instagram was first, this app is not just a means of sharing life. It will bring you to your knees with something else. It's not just about communication, showing where I'm eating, or what I'm listening to, or who I went to the movies with. The absolute bonus and the biggest positive 'plus' is that the application is a wonderful feast for the eyes.

Yes, this is the exact piece that you look at for a long time and think: 'how did they do this'.The app disarms you completely. It's exactly that moment when you think of the complicated sharing of statuses, photos or videos, and then you open this app and it gets under your skin. I think it's not hard to imagine Jony Ive as a collaborator, even if this isn't an Apple app.

You might be wondering why I'm praising the app's appearance so much when it can only do what we already know? I am an enthusiast of interior design, design of things, and the design of applications does not leave me cold either. As soon as I saw this app and its environment, I thought: I have to share this with others.

There isn't even a tutorial on how to use this app. You simply create your profile and then just thanks to the familiar "+" (this time in the lower left corner of the screen) you share from selected options and this can be listening to music, writing some wisdom (status), adding a photo, adding an activity you are doing with a specific person, updating your location, listening to music, and finally your routine – when you go to sleep and when you get up. Controlling these options is absolutely fast. At the same time, you can orient yourself in time. When you scroll down, you will see in what time frame you added posts. You can also simply comment on all posts or add smileys to evaluate the issue. The interesting thing is that after adding a photo, you can use several interesting filters.

If you know the controls, for example, from the new Facebook, where the bar is located on the side and you can easily move between posts and settings, your activity and the so-called home screen. On the other hand, you can add other people (from Contacts, Facebook or invite them by email) with whom you want to share everything about your life.

The app is basically Facebook for iOS. What is the difference? You can only run it on iOS devices for now, and for that you get a beautiful, ad-free, clean design and creative app. Do you think that is not enough? I will answer, yes it is. There isn't a very real chance that there will be a large number of people owning an iOS device. And use Path just for its beautiful design? This reason is really unimportant.

Do you know this app? Do you like her look? Do you think it will find use in so many social services or will it fall into oblivion?

[button color=red link= target=”“]Path – free[/button]
