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If you want to communicate with someone through an Apple device, you can use countless different applications for this. The most famous communication applications include, for example, WhatsApp and Messenger, or Telegram and others. However, Apple offers its own communication platform, iMessage, which is directly part of the native Messages application. In each new version of the operating systems, Apple comes up with various improvements (not only) in the Messages application. This year, with the introduction of macOS Monterey and other systems, it was of course no different. Let's take a look together in this article at 5 tips from Messages in macOS Monterey that you should know.

Simple photo storage

If someone sent you a photo in Messages, i.e. iMessage, you had to right-click on it to save it, and then select the option to save. Of course, this is not a complicated procedure, in any case, if we could save photos with a single tap, we would definitely not be angry. The good news is that Apple has come up with exactly this feature in macOS Monterey. If you now want to save a photo or image sent by a contact, all you have to do is next to it they clicked the download button. It should be mentioned that this option is only available for photos that you receive from contacts. You cannot save your own photo that you send.

tips tricks news macos monterey

New Memoji options

If you own an iPhone X and later, or any iPhone with Face ID, you've probably already tried Memoji or Animoji at least once. These are some kind of figures of animals or people that you can create exactly according to your taste. On iPhones with Face ID, you can then send these characters with emotions that you create yourself through the front TrueDepth camera. Since Macs do not yet have Face ID, only stickers with Memoji or Animoji are available for them. You have been able to create your own Memoji or Animoji on Mac for a long time, but with the arrival of macOS Monterey, you can set new outfits for your character, along with new headgear and glasses. In addition, it is possible to set new eye colors and there is the possibility of wearing headphones or other accessibility items. If you would like to create or edit Memoji or Animoji, all you have to do is moved to a conversation in Messages, where at the bottom tap on App Store icon, and then on Stickers with Memoji.

Quick preview or opening

If someone sends you a photo in iMessage, double-tap it to open it and it will appear in a larger window. Specifically, after opening, the photo will be displayed in a quick preview, which is used for a quick review. If you would like to edit the photo and work with it further, you would have to open it in Preview. You could have achieved this by clicking the Preview button in the right part of the quick preview window. In the new version of macOS Monterey, however, it is possible to display a photo or image in Preview immediately. All you need is a picture or a photo right-clicked, and then selected the option Open, which leads to opening in Preview, where you can get down to work right away.

tips tricks news macos monterey

Collection of photos

In addition to messages via iMessage, we also send photos, as there is no compression and quality degradation when sending, which is very useful in certain cases. If you were to send a single image to someone in Messages, it will of course be displayed as a thumbnail, which you can tap to view in full size. However, if you sent several photos at once until recently, each photo was placed separately in the conversation, which took up space in the chat and you had to scroll almost endlessly to find older content. With the arrival of macOS Monterey, this changes, and if multiple photos are uploaded, they will be placed in a collection that takes up the same space as a single photo. You can open this collection at any time and view all the images in it.

Shared with you

As I mentioned above, in addition to text, it is also possible to send photos, videos or even links in Messages. Until recently, if you wanted to view all of this shared content with a specific contact, you had to go to that specific conversation, tap the ⓘ icon in the top right, and then find the content in the window. This is a simple method that each of us uses from time to time. Newly, however, all the content shared with you is also displayed directly in the specific applications with which it has to do. You can always find this content in section Shared with you, which is found for example in Photos av Safari. In the first case, you can find it in the section For you, in the second case again on home page.
